6, make sure to check the Internet Explorer 11 option. If you need the old browser back, you can use the same instructions, but on step No. Using this method will remove the browser from your device, but not the files.
Searching the 'Internet Explorer' will highlight Microsoft Edge in the Start menu, and the 'Open with Internet Explorer' option will be available in the main menu, but it won't work. Once you complete the steps, Internet Explorer 11 will be removed from your computer. On the left pane, click the Turn Windows features on or off option. On the right pane, under 'Related settings,' click the Program and Features option. To remove Internet Explorer 11 from Windows 10, use these steps: How to uninstall Internet Explorer using Control Panel
How to uninstall Internet Explorer using Control Panel.In this Windows 10 guide, we'll walk you through the steps to remove Internet Explorer 11 from your device. VPN Deals: Lifetime license for $16, monthly plans at $1 & more